Jangan simpan duit bawah bantal
nanti kena rompak..istilah ini biasa kita dengar dulu-dulu semasa bank
masih belum berkembang. Tapi sekarang ini menjadi satu kewajipan kepada
kita untuk membuka akaun dan membuat simpanan dalam bank kerana kita
yakin inilah tempat yang paling selamat dan dipercayai bagi meletakan
pendapatan yang kita perolehi. Mungkin kita tidak terlintas duit
simpanan kita itu boleh hilang sekelip mata tanpa kita dapat berbuat
apa-apa! Sebabnya kalau kita perhati ada terma ..hari operasi bank tidak tertakluk kepada cuti-cuti umum biasa, mempunyai maksud sebaliknya iaitu bank boleh menutup operasi walaupun hari kerja biasa! Ada juga terma yang lebih nyata iaitu 'Bank Holiday'
...iaitu mereka boleh isytihar bercuti jika ada
keperluan...terloponglah kita kalau berlaku krisis bank pada hari
tersebut dan kita tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa seperti yang telah terjadi
di beberapa eropah.
UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA-AKTA 369: AKTA CUTI 1951 (Termasuk perubahan sehingga 1 Januari 2006)
An Act to provide for public and bank holidays
Section 8: Minister may appoint special days to be observed as bank or public holidays
8. The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette or in such other manner as he thinks fit,
appoint, in respect of Peninsular Malaysia, or the Federal Territory
or, after consultation with the State Authority, in respect of a State, a day to be observed as a public holiday or a bank holiday in addition to,
or in substitution for, any of the days mentioned in the Schedules and
thereupon this Act shall, in Peninsular Malaysia, or in the Federal
Territory, or in the State in respect of which a day is appointed to be
observed as a holiday as aforesaid, be applicable to such day in the
same manner as if the said day had been mentioned in the First Schedule or the Second Schedule, as the case may be.
Section 7: Payments, etc. on public or bank holidays
7. (1) Except where by regulations made under this Act or written contract it is expressly provided to the contrary, no person shall be compellable on a public holiday to make any payment under, or do any act in performance of, a contract:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to affect the terms and conditions of service under which a person is employed.
(2) No person shall be compellable on a bank holiday to make any paymentany act requiring a banking service. in or at a bank or to do in or at a bank
(3) The obligation to make such payment or to do such act shall apply to the day following such public or bank holiday not being a weekly or a public or bank holiday.
(4) The making of such payment and the doing of such act on such following day shall be equivalent to payment of the money or performance of the act on the holiday.
Mengapa cuti diasingkan mengikut "public" dan "bank", bukan public dan private?
Adalah langkah terakhir untuk mengelakkan pengeluaran wang secara besar-besaran oleh pendeposit apabila berlaku panik?
Ketika Great Depression 1920an...
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first act as President was to declare a national "bank holiday" – closing the banks for a three-day cooling off period"
Perkara ini berlaku di Amerika tahun 1920an. Adakah sejarah akan
berulang dan yang lebih buruknya adakah Malaysia juga akan terlibat?
bercuti punya pasal, habis semua operation freeze, termasuk apa-apa
terma bayaran di bawah apa-apa kontrak yang dimasuki oleh semua...
kecuali kontrak pekerjaan.
Persoalan lain, macam mana majikan nak bayar gaji kalau kontrak
jual-beli etc semua freeze? Kalau setiap pekerja file saman dan claim
breach of contract berserta menuntut kerugian sampai umur pencen, tak
mampus semua majikan?
Kita terpaksa membuat simpanan
didalam bank kerana bimbang berlakunya kecurian oleh perompak, merupakan
kebiasaan didalam negara sistem kapitalis. Mungkin kita tidak perasan,
perompak merupakan sebahagian dari sistem yang melengkapi sistem
kapitalis, mereka mungkin tertangkap tetapi mereka akan dijaga dan
diberi makanan dan tempat tinggal oleh kerajaan! Tetapi dalam sistem
khilafah Islam kebimbangan ini tidak wujud kerana hukum hudud Allah
cukup menggerunkan kepada sesiapa yang berniat jahat. Sebab itulah
selama lebih 1000 tahun zaman kegemilangan Islam bank tidak wujud;
semuanya diuruskan melalui baitulmal dan juga sistem muamalah yang adil
untuk semua pihak.
Bank merupakan teras kepada ekonomi
riba-kapitalis semakin goyah menghadapi krisis ekonomi ciptaannnya
sendiri. Langkah beberapa instituisi kewangan gergasi eropah mengeluar
simpanan deposit secara besaran sepatutnya membuka mata kita sistem
ekonomi riba-kapitalis ini kian runtuh. Terbaru syarikat kewangan
Lloyd's mengeluarkan deposit tunainya dipercayai berjumlah £800m dari
bank-bank eropah akibat kebimbangan terhadap krisis kewangan yang akan
turut sama menyeret instituisi perbankan. Pengumuman Lloyd's itu
menyusul berita sebelumnya bahawa syarikat kejuruteraan gergasi Jerman,
Siemens telah mengeluarkan depositnya sejumlah €500m dari bank Societe
Generale di Perancis.
Lloyd’s of London pulls deposits from Euro banks
insurance market Lloyd's of London has followed in the footsteps of
other large institutions and pulled its deposits from some European
banks, concerned at their ability to weather the deepening debt crisis
gripping the eurozone.
Finance director Luke Savage told
"If you're worried the government itself might be at risk, then you're
certainly worried the banks could be taken down with them.
have a very conservatively positioned balance sheet," Savage said,
noting that Lloyd's holds around £800m of its assets in cash, which it
has stopped depositing with banks in Europe's peripheral economies,
though he declined to name the countries or banks.
Lloyd's announcement follows yesterday's news that German engineering
giant Siemens had removed €500m from the French bank Societe Generale
two weeks ago and placed the money in a European Central Bank (ECB)
account, apparently alarmed by the financial health of SocGen going
panic increases within European financial circles at the prospect of a
Greek default, which could see banks across the continent lose billions
of euros, companies which use these banks to hold their short-term
deposits are growing increasingly concerned that they could lose their
money should a bank go to the wall.
large companies such as Siemens which also operate their own banks are
allowed to deposit money with the ECB - the German industrial group now
has between €4bn and €6bn with the bank.
more institutions follow the lead of Lloyd's and Siemens and begin to
remove their money from banks across Europe, those lenders will have
fewer funds to fall back on in the event of a Greek default.
a shock would soon transmit itself across the world economy, and would
see the current debt crisis transform into a global event as banks stop
lending to one another.